Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I found a dead wallaby at the side of the road today as I was walking home. So sad, and quite a rare occurrence in town. Its head looked crushed, which is actually a good thing, because it probably means it died very quickly and didn't suffer.

Anyway, I went a little way past it then remembered you're supposed to check the pouch of native roadkill for live young. So I went back and dutifully had a look, and was confronted by a pair of furry testicles. When is that not a relief, as the actress said to the archbishop. So, it was sad, but not as sad as it could have been.

I remembered because once a friend of mine checked a dead pademelon and found a joey. Aww. :( Roadkill makes me glad I don't drive! I know sometimes you can't help but hit something.

I decided not to take a photo. I thought that might have been a bit invasive.

1 comment:

  1. you made me laugh even though its sad....we get a lot of road kill over here in the south west corner of WA....ive even done an emu and a dog....but neither was killed...or even harmed....lots of bunnies...which were killed... i do drive a volvo which is scary in itself :)
